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 Fist of an Angry God

Stormcast Eternals

Fist of an Angry God

A Knights Excelsior story

Victory nears for the Stormcast Eternals, but Liberator-Prime Balthus feels something is awry… a feeling that is about to be proved terrrifyingly true.

Read the legendary William King's first-ever Warhammer Age of Sigmar story, and see his take on the Stormcast Eternals and the forces of Tzeentch in the Mortal Realms.

For many long months, the Knights-Excelsior have laid siege to the Chaos fortress of Azumbard. Eight great gates have fallen, and now the ninth – and final – gateway lies within reach. As cultists, tzaangor and daemons desperately try to stop the storm-forged invaders, Liberator-Prime Balthus feels uneasy. Though victory is at hand, something is wrong. Balthus is right to be wary, for the servants of Tzeentch are wily and subtle, and great horror awaits him…

Written by William King

This story also appears in the anthology Oaths and Conquests

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