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Horror Collection 1


Horror Collection 1

A Warhammer Horror eBundle

Terror stalks the worlds of Warhammer. Whatever you do, make sure you light a candle or a lumen before reading these chilling tales – after all, you never know what lurks in the dark.

Give yourself a scare this spooky season with a collection of eBooks from Warhammer Horror. Not only will you get a selection of fantastic frights, but you'll also save money compared with buying the title separately.

- Gothghul Hollow
Scholar. Sorceress. Killer. Priest. Four people divided by their secrets and lies, are bound together by horror and must unite their strengths to unpick a diabolical mystery to which they have but one incomprehensible clue – a single word: Mhurghast. Written by Anna Stephens.

- Briardark
An evil entity stalks the forest of Briardark, and the revered beast hunter Samuel Helmgaart must recover from tragedy to protect his village. Written by C L Werner.

- Black-Eyed Saint
A girl stumbles across the moors, death hard on her heels. To her saviours, she speaks of Calignius – a smog-shrouded mining town deep in the mountains that has been gripped by a strange epidemic. Written by Dale Lucas.

- The Vampire Genevieve
Genevieve Dieudonné is a vampire – but that doesn't make her evil. Follow her adventures across three novels and an anthology of short stories as she battles the darkness across the Old World with an unlikely collection of allies. Written by Kim Newman.

This item is available to order until 8am GMT on Monday the 13th of November 2023.

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